Thursday, May 1, 2008

Could not agree more

I could not agree more with my classmates blog "Reap what you sow". In this country and in other as well we have people who act and don't like to account for their actions. They feel very entitled! I have seen this first hand. Working in a hospital I have had people who believe that we should pay for it all because they have five kids and can not afford it so we will pay for it! And we do. Management will come down give them food and pay their bill for the day. Because in America if you yell or cry hard enough we get what you want. This is a sad but true mentality and reality. It's not my fault or the next persons fault that you have five kids and you can not and will not pay for your stuff. This takes away from the next person who is probably truly in need and deserving of help. I have also seen first hand a family who indeed needed help and could not get any because they made a dollar even a penny over the income requirements set by OUR GOVERNMENT for an affordable health insurance. It almost seems that being honest will not and can not take us anywhere.
One point in my classmates blog that really hits home and agree with it 110% is the young single mother who now can not go to school and live off welfare. I got pregnant when I was 16 and never felt entitled to anything and anyone. I was living in another country ( I was born here but left when I was very young) and never thought to my self I'm going to go live in the U.S were I knew I could get almost all the things I needed free. Why not? Simply because I have always been taught that you pay for your mistakes and your responsibilities. No one owes you anything, you work for what you want. And so I did! Even after I came to live here I never applied for any assistance and did it all on my own.
Coming from a third world country I think I might have a different perspective that others do. Having a government that is all for themselves not the people you learn that you have to count on yourself not others. We should all be accountable for ourselves not expect others to account for us. It's OK to need help and take it but try to help yourself first! Once you find that you can't and you have really tried then go on with your head held high and ask for assistance. You deserve it! Hey after all you have payed for the taxes that pay for that assistance right?! We might all find ourselves in a situation were we need help, but first don't just throw your hands in the air and say oh I cant do it! Try and try hard because one day we might not have that government that helps us and what will we do then, who will we turn to? OURSELVES! Because at the end that's all we have.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bruce for Barack

So, I was reading the NY Times and saw an article that said Bruce Springsteen decided to support Obama. Wuhuu Bruce! I hope you can sense my sarcasm. If you don't let me then let me tel you how irritating this celebrity and politician involvement is to me. Who cares if Brittney Spears was supporting Hillary! Does it even matter, do they matter in my life ( celebrities that is)?! No they don't. Why are they even spending time writing an article on this. Does it matter why he supports him or who he used to support? Why don't they write and article about who I support?
What I find even more sad is that Obama issued a statement about Bruce's support. But off course he has to because this brings him MONEY. After all money makes the world go round, oh and Hollywood too.
I would love one day to see a separation between politics, religion and Hollywood. Somethings don't need to be mixed but we insist to do so. Let's see how long it will take Bruce to say something "wrong" that will call for another inspiring speech from Obama.
I'm sure Burce is a great singer, why not just stick to that or go help the hungry like all the stars do. The sad part of it all is that Obama is not the only one that is playing into the game, we all are. With this infatuation with celebrities, what they are doing and who they like or don't. We should focus on the importance of this election and just that.


Monday, April 7, 2008

America: The bully

I could not agree more with my classmate Chris ( America: The bully) on his blog about Obamas racism speech. Obama's speech reminded me of Martin Luther Kings speech " I a dream", it was inspiring. It was great to finally see a presidential candidate address the issue at hand not make an excuse for it or just completely lie or go around it. He honest and never disrespectful.
I completely agree with your view of Obamas speech and like how you used certain quotes in your blog, nicely done.
If we could just get all our other candidates to be as honest as Obama was in his speech. It was a very risky speech to give and if he would have not done such a good job it could have gone bad fast. It goes to show it's all in how you say things not just what you say. The public does not want to be lied to they just want the truth and respect. It's about time someone addressed the issue of racism that has plagued this country and many other nations for years and years. It's like our instructor Chris said it's the pink elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. The more we ignore the issue the worst it's going to get. Hopefully we will be able to see a change in our life time. Hey a girl can only wish.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Controversial pastor cancels appearances

Obama's pastor has been forced to cancel appearances due to safety concerns as reported by He is concerned for the safety of his family, locations and himself. I don't agree with any of Rev. Jeremiah Wright comments. But I do agree with freedom of speech and not threatening someone for their beliefs. By doing so you are acting as low as his comments were.
It's sad that in this day, age and country we live in we feel unsafe because we make a few remarks that not everybody liked. Is this not supposed to be the land of the free. We have seen this kind of phenomenon before with the Dixie Chicks. Their life's were threatened and life's were changed forever because of a comment made that did not rub the right way with some US citizens. What has Rev. Jeremiah Wright said that gives anyone the right to threaten him. Fighting hate with hate does not get us anywhere just look at the war we are in at this time. Write a blog about it, talk to your friends, start a movement or do something constructive if you disagree with someones remarks. Don't' take someones sense of security or safety away. This man has children and a wife that do not deserve to be threatened.
This election time should be a time of positive change. It's time to break away from things that only bring hate like racism, threats, crime. It's time and has been time to be positive and accept ant of others. No one can take away from what Rev. Jeremiah Wright said, it was hateful and sad to hear from a man who is so influential in his community. But hopefully through all the press and seeing himself in the news he will be able to see that his comments were absurd and full of hate. He should be preaching love not hate.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Fear of a Black Jesus: The Politics of Religion

Min. Paul Scott is a minister, activist, write ect ect. He has also appeared in many news TV shows, has been interviewed by many and has lectured in universities. He became a Baptist minister in 1998 and was later credited with the phrase Afrikan Liberation Theology.
In this article ( Min. Paul Scott discusses how Obama has been criticized for his affiliation to Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the fact the God might just be black not white. He even goes into a little history on how it's impossible for God to be have been black because in the area were all this happened there were no fair skinned people.
This is a little ridiculous that in light of such an amazing election to come we are worried about what color God was or could be or who Obama goes to for spiritual advice. Are there no important issues to talk about or are we just that dumb that we need to spend time worrying AGAIN about someones religion rather their views, solutions, plans and aspirations. Why does religion matter so much have we not learned what this bring ( hello war?) Maybe we should be inspired by these elections, these are different times. For a black man and a woman to be in the running to be the president of the United States of America is HUGE. It's inspiring and shows that we are ready for change, not just any change but opportunity, hope that we can all be what we want to be and go as high as we want to. It's a different time a time that brings me hope and fills me with excitement not thoughts of what color God is. He could be purple for all I cared.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Could not agree more!

As I read the blog of Ann Coulter I found myself agreeing with her more and more. This was shocking. She's to much of a conservative for me. In doing some research about her I found out her favorite book is the bible. Ewww could she be any more fake. She is first a Christian and then a conservative which is fine, what’s not fine is all the hate she spreads. Hmm I thought the bible tried to teach us different, maybe she should read it a few more time. Ann is also a lawyer, author, and radio personality.
In her more recent blog
Ann talks about how Obama is so likely to win that he can even smoke on TV and still win, Hillary needs something huge to happen in order for her to win ( like divorcing bill) jaja.
Later in the blog Mc Cain comes up. As we all have heard many many times Mc Cain is a POW. WOW I guess that is enough to make him qualify to be president Mc Cain uses his POW status to try and win and it makes me sick. Like Ann I don’t believe that just because you fought in a war this makes you in anyway possible qualified to be president. It almost makes me sick to see him use that as a bit for his campaign. Something’s should not be exploited that way, can it be any more obvious that since we are in the middle of a war he is using he’s POW status to persuade military people and military families. There are certain things in life that don’t need to be exploited or over used.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hundreds of area voters might have registrations canceled

Texas has been trying to establish a statewide voter registration to avoid people from voting in different counties. In the attempt to due so 8,500 voters have had their voter registration canceled. Williamson County Officials are now trying to find those 8,500 voters. It is apparent that this is a system error. The system looks at the location to where you registered first and not when you last updated your information. Some people were justly canceled, there were others who have updated their information but this new system is wrongfully canceling them. One main concern is that the presidential primary is soon to come and these voters who have been wrongfully canceled are not going to have enough time to register and be eligible to vote. Voters who have been canceled could still cast provisional votes and might be able to be counted; this of course will depend on the county.

I don’t believe that this system error has any evil doing on anyone’s part. The statewide voter registration program is a good proposal it just needs to be refined. An option could have been to try and test this new system out at another time, not when an election is so close. There should be a back up plan incase something like this happens again. Voting is a right not a privilege. Some voters will lose that right this year for a technical error that could have been refined before being established.