Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hundreds of area voters might have registrations canceled

Texas has been trying to establish a statewide voter registration to avoid people from voting in different counties. In the attempt to due so 8,500 voters have had their voter registration canceled. Williamson County Officials are now trying to find those 8,500 voters. It is apparent that this is a system error. The system looks at the location to where you registered first and not when you last updated your information. Some people were justly canceled, there were others who have updated their information but this new system is wrongfully canceling them. One main concern is that the presidential primary is soon to come and these voters who have been wrongfully canceled are not going to have enough time to register and be eligible to vote. Voters who have been canceled could still cast provisional votes and might be able to be counted; this of course will depend on the county.

I don’t believe that this system error has any evil doing on anyone’s part. The statewide voter registration program is a good proposal it just needs to be refined. An option could have been to try and test this new system out at another time, not when an election is so close. There should be a back up plan incase something like this happens again. Voting is a right not a privilege. Some voters will lose that right this year for a technical error that could have been refined before being established.

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